Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yellow roses

You'd think this an everlasting bunch of yellow roses...but no, this and the page from my last post were taken on the same day, that's all. You'll get confused if I use another photo from the same set in December, I tell you.

I feel sort of guilty that I don't blog more often, because I made the commitment to come back and I like that this is a diary of my crafty life. But I feel guilty every time I pick up a piece of paper at the moment, because I know there are other, more important things that I should be doing. And studying is only one of those things.

Whenever I write a blog post I look back at my old posts to make sure I'm not repeating myself. There are definitely some common themes, and finding the balance in my life is one of them. Even before I was ill I struggled to balance duty with pleasure, and fun with responsibility. These days I have to factor in health, and energy, and a lot more emotion than I ever had to juggle before. I thought that when I returned to work last year I had cracked the whole 'life after cancer' thing. Now I think that the universe was probably having a good laugh at me then. There is definitely no easy solution, just a lot of hard work.

But life isn't all bad; I bought some new roses today. And despite feeling guilty, I am still picking up the paper and creating pages that make me smile.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Working it out

Sometimes it's hard to fit everything in.

In the second month of 2012, I am very aware of my super-long list of goals for the year, and how much I have to do to achieve them. I was doing really well and feeling really motivated, and then I went back to work full-time.

Obviously I am pleased to be healthy enough to be back at work, blah blah, but really - it gets in the way of everything else I want to do.

Like scrapbooking. And studying. And occasionally combining the two as you can see in the page above. I realised that something which is supposed to take 20 hours of my week (in reality, of course it doesn't) should probably feature in my albums occasionally. For example - remind me again why I am doing this?! I think I will be re-reading this page a lot in the weeks to come. (And yes, it's Shakespeare, so you have to allow me this title just once, ok?)

I am still working out the patterns in my life that will give me the time to do all I want to in a week without feeling exhausted by Wednesday afternoon. Bear with me :)